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Our most recent excursions...


Recently Curt and I took a diversion to the American Military Cemetery in Luxembourg.  It was a humbling, and awe inspiring experience.  We spent the better part of an hour simply walking among the crosses and stars, touching the stones, reading names out loud to each other... All those boys dead to aid countries that don't even remember their sacrifice.  As we walked, Curt got quieter and quieter, so I took him by the hand and made him walk away.  I think he would have stayed until he'd touched every last stone, and read out every last name.

The memorial reads, "In proud remembrance of the achievements of her sons and in humble tribute to their sacrifices this memorial has been erected by The United States of America"

The chapel was exquisite.  The ceiling was painted with quotes about sacrifice... the hush inside was palpable, but not foreboding... comfort lay in the silence inside.

Views to the chapel

One of the 3 Medal of Honors within the grounds.

Bubba talking and touching.

Overwhelmed by it all, it was at this point that I took him out to the car, where we stood outside the gates and had ourselves a good cry.

Patton's final resting place, reviewing his troops

There is an inscription in one of the large stepping stones.. a quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower... it reads... " All who shall hereafter live in freedom will be here reminded that to these men and their comrades we owe a debt to be paid with grateful remembrance of their sacrifice and with the the high resolve that the cause for which they died shall live eternally."


November last year we bought a new car, she arrived in country in May of this year... her first road trip was south to Dover, where we hiked the White Cliffs and explored Dover Castle.

Resting on the return hike.. who knew that the hike along the cliff was 3 miles in total?.. It was a lovely hike, we just wished we had planned more time

The boys at the trail head along the top of the cliffs.

The White cliffs from above

Standing on the edge... as close as I dared... looking down

Dover Castle and a mysterious figure stealing the flag

Carmen on her first road trip, Dover Castle

Hans and De high atop Dover Castle

Priming and firing one of the many canons

High atop Dover Castle... goodies from the gift shop safely in hand.
















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This site was last updated 10/09/04